The most common items you might need are Section headings, italics, bold and links to other pages. We’ll review those first and then discuss some less common items.
Headers are the “title” of a section of your page. They should be on their own line and surrounded by a number of = signs. The one you shouldn’t use is this
= Main Title =
because that’s meant for the title of the page, which MediaWiki does for you.
For a second level header, use two = signs like this:
== First Section ==
After that, just use more = signs, and match them before and after, like these:
=== First Sub Section === ==== Sub-Sub Section ====
You can do this until 6 = signs:
====== Heading Level Six ======
When you include more than three section headings, MediaWiki will automatically create for you a Table of Contents on the page.
To make a word, or a few words bold, just enclose them with three apostrophes like this:
This word is '''bold''' and the rest is not.
or for a few words:
These word are '''bold and stand out''' and the rest are plain.
To make a word, or a few words italics, just enclose them with two apostrophes like this:
This word is ''italics'' and the rest is not.
or for a few words:
These word are ''italics and stand out'' and the rest are plain.
You can combine these as well and use 5 apostrophes around text to make it bold and italics.
There are two kinds of link, internal and external. An internal link means a link to another page on your site. To create an internal link, you use the name of the page and surround it with these brackets: [[ ]] like this:
You could visit [[Cool Page]] on my site.
where I have a page called “Cool Page.”
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