How to Install DokuWiki

The first step is to upload the DokuWiki files to your server, and get them unpacked. This procedure differs on every server. Once you do that, and then try to access the site, you may well get a scarey red message like this: which means that your data directory isn’t found or isn’t writable. Either fix that yourself if you know how, or you may need to ask your host for sysadmin for help. Once you have that done, then this is the default home page: which means that you can actually use DokuWiki without installing it at all. That means it’s really easy to get started. The disadvantage of… Read More

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Laravel vs Symfony

The Right Tool for the Job The phone rings. You pick it up. It’s the national lottery — they tell you that if you can be at their office within 15 minutes, you get the entire pot, upwards of 15 million dollars! But you’re at home, not so close to that office. You need to decide on the spot how to get there. Right now, in the middle of rush hour, going by car may take more than 15 minutes. But riding your bike might also take more than 15 minutes. You have now 30 seconds to decide and your heart is racing, because the phone call was real and… Read More

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Move WordPress Site to New Domain

You have your WordPress site setup for some domain, such as Now you want to change that domain to How do you do that? It’s easy. On a regular, single-site install (which is what most WordPress sites are), on the left side of your dashboard there is a Settings menu. Find “General” in there and click on it. Then there are two boxes: WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) Change those to your new domain and click Save. That’s it. πŸ™‚

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Nextcloud vs ownCloud – The Whole Story

Battle of the Clouds Interested in finding the private cloud package that will work for you? So are we! πŸ™‚ In the open source private cloud space, there are several options, such as ownCloud, Nextcloud, Seafile, Syncthing and Pydio as well as smaller players such as SparkleShare. To see what’s happening in this market, let’s take a brief look at this Google Trends graph of interest in the top four packages over the past 5 years: Shows pretty clearly that ownCloud and Nextcloud dwarf the competition, and it also seems pretty clear that since its inception, interest in Nextcloud has been growing fast and today has actually more Google searches… Read More

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How to Install Nextcloud

Nextcloud has two separate components which may need to be installed. They are the server and the client. We will describe each separately: Nextcloud Server The Nextcloud server is all that you actually need to run Nextcloud. The term “server” here means the web software that powers your Nextcloud website, the place where you can login via a web browser: and view/add/edit/share etc. your files and other data on your cloud: For details how to install the Nextcloud server, see our post. Nextcloud Client The Nextcloud client is a program that runs on your computer or phone and, once configured, mostly just runs by itself “in the background” and synchronizes… Read More

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How to Install Nextcloud Client

To start, visit and click “Desktop Clients” Click on the Windows or Mac version. Launch (or “open”) the downloaded file. The install process is then the same as any other program: Just click “Next” repeatedly until it’s done. When you now launch the program, the first step is to connect it to your cloud. It will ask you for the “Server Address” which means the URL of your cloud. Enter that and click “Next” and then enter your Username and Password. If you get those right, then the wizard will ask you if you want to sync everything or only certain files, and it will allow you to specify… Read More

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