PHP CLI Version

The default PHP interpreter for CiviHosting today is PHP 7.2. But that is only for web service, not for CLI. For CLI, the default version is 7.2. All servers have PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 also available for CLI of course. To run PHP 7.1, use: php71.cli To run PHP 7.2, use: php7.cli To run PHP 7.3, use: php73.cli To run PHP 7.4, use: php74.cli To run drush with a different version of PHP, use the full path for drush after the PHP executable, meaning something like this: php73.cli /usr/local/bin/drush

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Getting Started with DokuWiki

Installation This page presumes you already have DokuWiki installed and working. If not, see our How to Install DokuWiki page. The last step there is how to login, so we will carry on here from that step. Edit the Home Page To get to your home page, either click the red “start” link or click on the DokuWiki logo on the top left of your site. Then you will see the “This topic does not exist yet” message: To create the page, put your mouse on the pencil icon on the far right side of the page (directly to the right of “This topic does not exist yet”) and a… Read More

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How to Install Jekyll

We will of course install Jekyll for you, but if you prefer to do it yourself, here is a sample install procedure to create a new blog: 1. Install Jekyll and bundler gems gem install jekyll bundler 2. Create a new Jekyll site at ./myblog jekyll new myblog 3. Change into your new directory cd myblog 4. Create a new app via the Web Apps section of your hosting Control Panel and use these values: Engine: Custom Name: Jekyll (or whatever you want) Subdomain: Your choice Port: System will assign this Memory: Default Deployment Directory: /private/jekyll/myblog Start Command: /home/myuser/private/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/wrappers/bundle exec jekyll serve where myuser is your hosting account username. 5.… Read More

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What is DokuWiki DokuWiki, in a nutshell, is a software package that allows you to create an online wiki. In more detail, DokuWiki is an open source software package written in PHP and meant to be used as a wiki. It is free to download and install on any server (public or private) and use indefinitely to create any website you want. The vast majority of DokuWiki sites are wikis, but it can also be used as a CMS to create a “static site.” The prsnl10 Template has a section called Sites using this Template with a list of simple static sites using that template, and you can see here… Read More

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How to Create a database for MediaWiki

Login to your hosting Control panel and click on the “MySQL Databases” tool. Enter a name in the Database name box and click on the Create button. We recommend you use mediawiki. The database name will be automatically prefixed with your hosting username, so you don’t have to worry about this database name being already used. The database name can contain only regular letters, numbers and underscores. The master MySQL user is the same as your hosting account Control Panel username, and it’s password is the same as the Control Panel password and this user has all rights to all databases you create. You can either use that user, or… Read More

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How to Get MediaWiki Software on your Hosting Account

There are (at least) 4 ways to get the MediaWiki software onto your hosting account. They are: Upload via the hosting Control Panel File Manager Upload via FTP Use SSH and wget (this is for more advanced users) Use SSH and get (also for advanced users) Let’s go through each method in detail: Upload via the hosting Control Panel File Manager or FTP For each of these methods, the start and end are the same, just the middle step differs, and we will explain below. First download the package by visiting the MediaWiki Download page. Download via the first link there, which today is Download MediaWiki 1.31.1 The middle step… Read More

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How to Run the MediaWiki Installer

If you’re landing on this page, take note that this is the third step in the process — we covered how to get the software in place in previous pages — see the links on your right to see those pages. Once you have the software in place and the database details ready, you visit the URL of your wiki, in order to start the installation process. So if your wiki is going to be you would enter that URL into your browser. Then the first screen you will see is a welcome screen just telling you that you must setup the wiki and you just click on the… Read More

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