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Lua Hosting


Lua Shared and VPS Hosting

Yes, we have Lua on Shared Hosting

We support Lua on our shared hosting and VPS hosting accounts. We have version 5.1 installed both as a binary and as a PHP extension.

Choose Your Package


On Sale Now:
100GB Disk Space
5,000GB/Month Data Transfer
Daily Automatic Backups
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On Sale Now:
50GB SSD Disk Space
4GB Memory
25,000GB/Month Data Transfer
Daily Automatic Backups
ORDER NOW VPS Hosting Details

Hosting Features

All features included with all accounts at no extra cost:

Shared Hosting

VPS Hosting


SSL certificates

Control Panel


Our hosting services are among the best in the business, including:

  • A perfect security record (to the best of our knowledge, our server security has never been comprised)
  • 24/7 support with an average ticket response time of 10 minutes, night or day
  • 99.99% uptime.

If you have any questions whatsoever, just ask!